
Prana is a sanskrit word meaning "vital life" and is represented by the breath. Prana (or Chi or Qi) is a critical component to health and balance. Prana is energy and the force of life. By exercising Purpose to increase Prana we can experience new levels of wellbeing in our lives.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Prana – or “vital life” – is found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the vibrations of the music we listen to, the aromas that surround us and the circulation of our blood through our body as we move.  It is energy and the force of life.
Increasing Prana is a major component to a healthy lifestyle.  Many of us have been told to increase whole foods in our diets, reduce processed foods, increase activity levels, and reduce stress.  This “increase-this-and-reduce-that” mentality can really be summed up very easily by saying – Increase Prana.
So today, think about this…
Observe your actions during the day.  Take a moment to determine if the actions you have taken or are about to take will increase Prana or not.
Some examples:
As you wait for the elevator, would it increase Prana more to take the stairs?  And is it realistic to do so?
As you put a frozen entrée into the microwave for lunch, ask if it is increasing Prana or not.  Would adding a salad of mixed greens increase it more?
At the grocery store, do you bypass the carrots with the stems for the neatly processed and packaged “baby carrots”?  Which do you think have the most nutrients intact and would increase Prana more?  The ones straight from the ground with minimal processing or the ones that have been through a gauntlet of equipment to shave and cut them into unnatural “baby” sizes and package them?
On Saturday morning, would it increase Prana to take the family to an open-air farmer’s market?
These are but a few examples of how when you take a moment to think about your actions, you can make more purposeful choices to increase Prana.  It does not have to be a radical re-design of your life.  It is simply making an effort to be more conscious of what you are doing and recognizing where you are increasing Prana and where you are not.
With Purpose and Prana,

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