
Prana is a sanskrit word meaning "vital life" and is represented by the breath. Prana (or Chi or Qi) is a critical component to health and balance. Prana is energy and the force of life. By exercising Purpose to increase Prana we can experience new levels of wellbeing in our lives.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Launch!

I am very excited to launch the Purpose and Prana blog!  Welcome!

Why Purpose and Prana? 

Well I have found that being a "Type A" personality with "new age" tendencies often appears to be oxymoronic.  How does one meditate or enter a state of deep relaxation but yet be motivated by purpose?  Doesn't that put too much pressure on the meditation session?  Wouldn't you just sit there "thinking" the whole time?  And can't that stress you out even more????  Well sure.....but.....

Purpose also allows us to set our intentions more firmly and stay grounded in the present moment which is a key component of maintaining the "gap" of meditation and the ability to stay calm and relaxed during the day.  By applying purpose consistently I have experienced more joy and success than if I leave purpose out of the equation of my life.  Purpose is not at odds with adopting a more holistic approach to living.  It can and does compliment and reinforce this approach.

This blog is dedicated to helping us all achieve a more holistic lifestyle, increase prana in our lives and purposefully make decisions that bring us balance and wellbeing.

So now....let's take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.  That is the most basic of all ways to increase your Prana.  Breathe in and out with purpose for a few breaths and see how great it feels to have the energy and oxygen circulate through your body.

Welcome to my blog!  I hope you enjoy it and we can all learn from each other.


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