
Prana is a sanskrit word meaning "vital life" and is represented by the breath. Prana (or Chi or Qi) is a critical component to health and balance. Prana is energy and the force of life. By exercising Purpose to increase Prana we can experience new levels of wellbeing in our lives.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thankful - ever thankful

Usually as another year comes to a close I am so filled with hope for the new year that I don't really reflect upon the closing year - well at least not in a positive manner.  I generally think "good riddance - that was a painful year".  Then I saw that one of my favorite yogi (@kathrynbudig) jumped out of a plane for her first solo skydive as a thank you gift to 2011.  That got me thinking.....

At first I was pretty convinced that it would be much easier to write my intentions for 2012 than it would be to find much to be thankful to 2011 for....NOT SO!!!

I found so many big - huge - things that happened this year that made me so filled with joy and hope and inspiration.  I took joy from friends having excellent years - getting new jobs, having babies, buying their first home (some doing more than one of these in 2011).  Then I realized that there were as many small things to be thankful to 2011 for - including being able to sit outside in the warm sunshine while I wrote down my thoughts!!

I hope this is an exercise that you will consider.  It was a very uplifting experience.  Gratitude is so precious and as 2011 ticks away, I am profoundly grateful for so many people, experiences and opportunities to learn.  I defined this year, when all was said and done, as the year that I moved more fully into who I am.  I am calling it metamorphosis.  So to each of you - many thanks for 2011 and continued blessings for 2012.

