
Prana is a sanskrit word meaning "vital life" and is represented by the breath. Prana (or Chi or Qi) is a critical component to health and balance. Prana is energy and the force of life. By exercising Purpose to increase Prana we can experience new levels of wellbeing in our lives.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Special-needs students use meditation to control behavior - Philly.com

Practicing meditation is a great stress-reliever and has been shown to have physiological benefits as well. It's no wonder that applying these techniques have also provided relief to the growing number of children with ADHD and ASD.

Special-needs students use meditation to control behavior - Philly.com

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yoga Journal - Yoga Ayurveda - Yoga for Your Dosha

Yoga is one of the four pillars of health and wellness in a balanced Ayurvedic lifestyle. And although many people have tried yoga, most are unfamiliar with the holistic approach to wellbeing that Ayurveda can bring to their life. So although the practice of yoga is a fantastic body/mind/spirit exercise, you should factor in your particular dosha to help you determine the best form/style of yoga for you. All yoga is not created equal when it comes to supporting your particular dosha. Although "hot" yoga (Bikram) is currently very trendy, if you are predominately Pitta, this form of yoga would actually be detrimental to you as it increases the fire in your system and puts you even more out of balance. Some of the symptoms you may find after attending a hot yoga session are skin erruptions, heartburn and even anger - all signs that Pitta is too high. However, Kapha people would do well to ignite their core in this manner so it would be an excellent option for them. So use your dosha as a guide and select the yoga style that is most supportive to keeping you in balance. And remember that by incorporating Ayurveda into your "off-the-mat" practice you can increase your vitality even more.

Yoga Journal - Yoga Ayurveda - Yoga for Your Dosha

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

TEDxAustin Robyn O'Brien 2011

The video of Robyn O'Brien's TED presentation is an eye-opening account of how our food supply, and the subsidies that support it, have created an American crisis, not just a health crisis, but an economic one as well. Using her industry analyst skills, Robyn investigated food allergies and why they are climbing as such astronomical rates. Some of her research is presented in the video below. It is an engaging, and frightening, presentation.

Did you know that if a person moves to the US their chance of getting cancer goes up 4-fold?!? And that organic farmers not only do not get subsidies from the government, they have to pay additional fees to go through the certification process? No wonder organic food is more expensive. But is it? The rise in healthcare costs associated with environmental disease costs 16% of our GDP. And if 9 out of 10 cases of breast cancer are environmentally-linked as opposed to genetically - doesn't that mean we should be funneling resources to improve the quality of the environment and food supply? As Ayurveda teaches, it is not about treating the SYMPTOM, true health is achieved by determining the root of symptomatic discomfort and restoring the body to balance. It seems that by addressing the food supply issues in Robyn O'Brien's talk we would finally be focusing on the root of the healthcare issue in our country.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Natural Beauty | Ayurvedic Beauty Rituals

Ayurveda believes that looking good is a reflection of health. It makes sense really. Glowing skin, strong nails and luxurious hair are all outward signs of internal health. But so too taking care of our outward health can improve our internal health. Topical applications of essential oils and herbal poultices can provide a tremendous boost to our internal functioning. In that vane, here is an article from Yoga Journal regarding some of the natural beauty rituals of Ayurveda. Try out some of their suggestions and let me know how you feel.

Natural Beauty Ayurvedic Beauty Rituals

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shopping Cart

I am working diligently on creating a shopping cart so that reorders will be easier for my clients.  I'm not exactly a programming whiz, but I'm getting the hang of it and should be able to unveil it prior to the Lake Mary Farmer's Market this coming Saturday.  So stay tuned!!